Baby Names

Question on a name

I'm not pregnant and the chances of my next one being a girl are pretty slim, but I still would like opinions on this.

We love the name Amelia.  And we had agreed on Amelia Cate.  Then last night my husband says that if we were ever to have a girl, he would love his grandmothers name in it and to be fair my grandmothers name as well.  He still wants Amelia but just give her two middle names.  I am not sure how I feel about this. The name would be Amelia Bridget Florence LN.

 It seems like such a mouthful for a little girl.

Oh, and my husband is an only child and we have three boys!

Re: Question on a name

  • I love Amelia--but that's cuz my LO's name is Amelia.  My mom has 2 middle names so to me it's not unusual.  Would he not want to keep one in reserve in case you guys have another daughter down the road?
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • Although it is common in some cultures I'm not crazy about multiple middle names.  It doesn't seem to serve a purpose and could be a hassle on legal forms. Sounds as if you and YH should keep discussing options.

    BTW, the chances of your next baby being a girl aren't slim, they're 50/50! 

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  • I always imagine could a kindergartener write it? That would be a VERY tough one. Of coarse I work at a school. :)
  • We're only having one more so that is why he thinks we should do the combo middle name.  And as far as writing the name in school, she will just be Amelia.  Kids generally don't write out their MN too.  I don't mind it, I just think that it is a mouthful.  I just want reassurance that it will be fine, that it really isn't that bad! 
    And us, having a girl after three boys, I just don't see it happening!!!!  Unless there is a trick we are missing!!!!!!
  • I'm not usually a fan of 2 middle names, but since it would be your last and your only girl AND you'd be honoring both g-mothers- I'd just go all out and do it in this case!
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  • I would absolutely go for the 2 middle names when you are getting the best of all worlds. You get a FN you love and then you honor 2 grandmothers. Those names are lovely.
  • I don't mind the three names trend if it works. My sister is Sarah-Oliva Jordan and we actually call her Sarah-Olivia... well... most people do!

    But for your doesn't really flow for me. Bridget is throwing it off. You could consider switching them around "Bridget Amelia Florence" and still calling her Amelia.

    Just a thought!

  • I would use Amelia Bridget. I don't like 2 middle names. Amelia Cate is awfully cute too.
  • imagetan1180:
    We're only having one more so that is why he thinks we should do the combo middle name.  And as far as writing the name in school, she will just be Amelia.  Kids generally don't write out their MN too.  I don't mind it, I just think that it is a mouthful.  I just want reassurance that it will be fine, that it really isn't that bad! 
    And us, having a girl after three boys, I just don't see it happening!!!!  Unless there is a trick we are missing!!!!!!

    my brother got his girl on the 4th try!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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