Upstate NY Babies

Brushing teeth

Please, Please tell me someone has a secret to brushing teeth. Justin has 7 teeth so I'm trying to be diligent about brushing them- he has a soft tooth brush and I use a little water. It is just impossible- he holds his mouth shut or pushes the brush out with his tounge or bites down on it. Help!
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Re: Brushing teeth

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    If you figure one out, let me know.  Tyler is well past his second birthday and we still struggle with this.  We have gotten to where he opens his mouth, but the fights us as soon as we start because he hates it.  He even gets a reward (computer games with Daddy) if he is good for brushing teeth.  He doesn't get to play very often.
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    I can't believe our babies are 1 day apart yet Justin has 7 teeth and Evan has 0!!!!

    So I obviously have no advice at all. Maybe while he's in the tub? I feel like we can do anything while Evan is playing in the tub since he loves it and is sooooo busy playing.

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    It can be a challenge for sure!!  However, what has been working for us is if we give Justin something to hold or play with while we brush his teeth.  He seems to open his mouth for us if we do that.  This is just a thought too but could it be that your son doesn't like the flavor??  I switched to another one when I thought that could be the issue. 
    Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Go back in time and start practicing with the tooth brush ahead of time? 

    I know not helpful but someone told us to do it at around 5 months and so far so good.  Sure G only has one tooth but she isn't fighting it that hard (yet). 

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    I use the Orajel Gum and Tooth cleaner (I think that's what it's called...with Elmo on the tube) and a soft toothbrush.  He loves the way that stuff tastes.  I just put a tiny bit on the brush and give it to him.  He chews on it and plays with it in his mouth for 305 minutes or so, and I feel like teh chewing definitely does something.  Then, when he's lost interest, I just say, "mommy's turn!" and I lay him on his back and brush quickly.  He does squirm and maybe I don't brush long enough, but it's something!
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    Oh, I forgot.  You can 'call' Elmo at 1-866-356-6847 and he will sing LO a song and remind them to brush their teeth. 

    Doesn't work for us.  But we are actually having Tyler evaluated on Monday for behavior issues and a possible mouth sensory issue relating to poor speach (he has a million words, full sentances but no one can understand him), picky eating(tries lots of foods but wont eat them), and the tooth brushing thing.  And I started brushing his teeth with a gum scrubber at 3 months old, switched to a brush when he got a tooth, 6-7 months maybe.  We also do his teeth in the tub, he is better contained there.

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    I wish I knew.  Rosie fights it whenever I try to brush her teeth.  She'll take the toothbrush and happily "brush" them herself, but it's not like she's doing a great job of it.  I'm thinking of getting her a little electric toothbrush, because that way if she's just holding it against her own teeth, it's working a little better than a regular toothbrush would.
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    Maybe use the infant training toothpaste with the tooth brush? DS wasn't a huge fan of the toothbrush with just water, so I tried a little bit of the toothpaste. He opens right up for it.
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