
DH hurt my feelings tell me I'm right...

Before I got PG with my second, I felt kind of frumpy and overweight.  I asked DH for help with eating better.  I was about 135.  Since having DS in June I've lost all but a few pounds.  I am not the same shape though :(  I am also not the most disciplined with what I eat, and would like to lose maybe 10 pounds.  with that said, I had dessert with my dinner, and was looking forward to it as I had resisted things all day and it was my "reward."  DH said, no, now don' t be eating stuff like that.  It totally sounded like he was talking to our kids they way his tone was.  He said "well you wanted me to help you."  I told him I didn't want his help.  I need him to compliment me and tell me how beautiful I am, not that I'm letting him down.  I feel so ugly as it is.  He's a bit smug now almost like in an "i told you so kind of way."  His delivery sucks!!!!!!!!!!

Re: DH hurt my feelings tell me I'm right...

  • You had a baby 3.5 months ago! Are you kidding me?

    You are doing great and your DH needs to go suck it and have you NOT suck it for a year.

  • My DH is the same way. They just do not understand.
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  • Well help like that is so not needed.  A compliment goes a long way.  You just had a baby!
  • i hope he's perfect.  otherwise you could "help" him too.  and that is not the healthiest way to deal. 

    Sharing exactly what you said here with him would probably be more helpful.  i'm not sure what i'd do, but my feelings would be hurt too. Especially if you weigh 135 or under after baby #2.  i think that is you are so beautiful praise worthy.


    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • Men! They never say the right thing.

      ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  
  • I have found that you need to be very specific with men.  Did you tell him what kind of help you need?  My dh is the same way. He thought he needed to monitor me or 'point out' my weaknesses and bad times (he really didnt mean any harm. It WAS his idea of help) After I told him to suck it, I was a lot more detailed what I needed from him and he is a lot better (and cautious) about what and how he says things to me.

    Im sorry he was not so nice about it. :-(  GL

  • I agree, men just need very specific instructions- they suck at things like that. They just don't get it. Just explain to him that you need positive encouragement and when you DO let yourself "cheat", for him to let you know that it's only one day and you can do better the next day OR that you've been doing so well that you deserve it.  

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