
Anyone had a speech assessment done for DC?

DS is 4 yrs old and he had his early childhood screening done last month and they suggested to make an appt for a speech assessment.  He has trouble saying "s" in the beginning of words and it is sometimes hard to understand certain words he says.

I really want to kick myself for not doing something sooner but I thought it wasn't a big deal.  MH basically told me that it was my fault because I should have been working on it with him since I have SAH w/ him for the past two years. 

Re: Anyone had a speech assessment done for DC?

  • Oh, my it is not your fault. My oldest DS has been recieving speech services since 2.
  • First of all it is NOT your fault and don't let your husband make you think that (damn him). Speech therapy is the #1 referral for therapies for boys before they start kindergarten. You are getting him help now and that is all that counts.
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  • Yeah, my son is 3 and receiving services. Its not your fault, don't think that at all. I am a WOHM, so what would your husband say about that?
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • I agree that it's not your fault, and it's very common! My 5 y/o has been receiving ST for 3 1/2 yrs now, I myself was in therapy for 4 yrs during elementary school because I couldn't say my r's.
    3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
  • My DS is 2 and doesn't say a lot of words. According to his pedi he should have 50.  So he's had maybe 2 speech therapy session and I don't know if its b/c something just switched in him or the sessions and tips that they gave us to help him - but he's been attempting to say more.

    Don't go kicking yourself.  Your DS is getting the sessions, so that's all that matters.

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