
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?

Anyone seen it? I thought it looked silly, but a friend who is around my age said it was good.. and then another friend who has a daughter 6 weeks older than Layla said it was good.?

Just wondering if anyone else saw it :) TiA! ?

Re: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?

  • DH and I both thought it was very funny. It's not that much like the book at though so my 3yo was confused about most everything that went on and I don't even think she realized it's the same story we've read plenty of times before!

    She REALLY loved IceAge3 though.


    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • I'm hesitating to take DS to this movie because it's rated PG. Why make kids' movies that aren't G-rated?
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  • imageEliseB0323:
    I'm hesitating to take DS to this movie because it's rated PG. Why make kids' movies that aren't G-rated?

    Why?  Because not all parents insist their kids live in a G-rated bubble. 

  • imagemattslady:

    I'm hesitating to take DS to this movie because it's rated PG. Why make kids' movies that aren't G-rated?

    Why?  Because not all parents insist their kids live in a G-rated bubble. 

    Wow, that's a little obnoxious.  FWIW, I'd love to see more G movies that are worth seeing!  I get frustrated because I'd love to take DD to the movies and would prefer that we make it through the hour and a half without having to walk out or give her material for new nightmares.  How bout an enjoyable night out without worrying about that?  LIFE is PG, but entertainment for a 2 yr old should preferably be G!

  • imagednagal:

    I'm hesitating to take DS to this movie because it's rated PG. Why make kids' movies that aren't G-rated?

    Why?  Because not all parents insist their kids live in a G-rated bubble. 

    Wow, that's a little obnoxious.  FWIW, I'd love to see more G movies that are worth seeing!  I get frustrated because I'd love to take DD to the movies and would prefer that we make it through the hour and a half without having to walk out or give her material for new nightmares.  How bout an enjoyable night out without worrying about that?  LIFE is PG, but entertainment for a 2 yr old should preferable be G!

    This 100%

  • imagemattslady:

    I'm hesitating to take DS to this movie because it's rated PG. Why make kids' movies that aren't G-rated?

    Why?  Because not all parents insist their kids live in a G-rated bubble. 

    Yeah, but there are a lot of parents who don't want their preschoolers exposed to whatever it is in movies that requires parental guidance. Even G-rated Disney movies have profanity in them, which I think is ridiculous. My kid may live in a G-rated bubble, but he's 4. He doesn't need to see/hear profanity and PG-rated humor at this age. In a couple of years, PG movies will be fine.

  • wow ok.  Anyhow, I took my 3 there this last weekend and it was awsome!!!  Nothing like the book.  We saw it in 3D which was well worth it.  (My 3 yo did not have nightmares and I don't recall any profanity)
  • I think they make very few G rated because it is parents that take the kids and it's the parents that don't want to go to G rated movies (some parents).  I don't have a problem with G rated movies and "most" PG movies are usually OK.  I'm not sure the cirteria for the PG rating...maybe violence (a meatball falls on someone's head or something) but I'd have to see it to know.  I haven't seen this movie but will be taking DD and DS in the next few weeks.  We usually wait until they hit our local yokel theaters...cheaper and popcorn is only a dollar!
  • For those interested:: 

    I just pulled this off IMDB- for every movie there's a tab for:

    Sex & Nudity

    Nothing explicit; A man, unfamiliar with women, looks up "What is a girl?", but none of the information is shown. Flint and Samantha attempt to kiss a few times, and they do at the end.

    Violence & Gore

    Cartoon violence is common, however no one gets hurt, and most is for comedic effect.


    1 "damn", 1 "crap", 1 hellhole.



    Frightening/Intense Scenes

    It may be scary to younger audiences when a man is eaten alive by a living roasted chicken, however he reappears a minute later, popping his head out of the chicken.

    Page last updated by garfield2710, 1 day ago
    Top Contributors: garfield2710, blankusername, dogman15


  • What?  Which G-rated Disney movie has profanity in it?
  • imagednagal:

    Frightening/Intense Scenes

    It may be scary to younger audiences when a man is eaten alive by a living roasted chicken, however he reappears a minute later, popping his head out of the chicken.

    Hahaha! This was DD's FAVORITE part! But then again, she's been exposed to a few other thriller movies thanks to DH so this was nothing, and our house is at least rated PG-13 for language no matter how hard we try for it not to be!

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

    Why?  Because not all parents insist their kids live in a G-rated bubble. 


    Yea this is 100% obnoxious in my opinion too.



  • imageknmommy:
    wow ok.  Anyhow, I took my 3 there this last weekend and it was awsome!!!  Nothing like the book.  We saw it in 3D which was well worth it.  (My 3 yo did not have nightmares and I don't recall any profanity)

    What about the movie makes it PG-rated?

  • imagemattslady:
    What?  Which G-rated Disney movie has profanity in it?

    The Hunchback of Notre Dame for one. DS watched it in preschool for "Popcorn and Movie" Day and now "damn it", which he claims one of the characters says, is his favorite phrase.

  • imagednagal:

    For those interested:: 

    I just pulled this off IMDB- for every movie there's a tab for:

    Sex & Nudity

    Nothing explicit; A man, unfamiliar with women, looks up "What is a girl?", but none of the information is shown. Flint and Samantha attempt to kiss a few times, and they do at the end.

    Violence & Gore

    Cartoon violence is common, however no one gets hurt, and most is for comedic effect.


    1 "damn", 1 "crap", 1 hellhole.



    Frightening/Intense Scenes

    It may be scary to younger audiences when a man is eaten alive by a living roasted chicken, however he reappears a minute later, popping his head out of the chicken.

    Page last updated by garfield2710, 1 day ago
    Top Contributors: garfield2710, blankusername, dogman15


    Thanks for this. Except for the profanity, I'd be OK with DS seeing this. He's in this phase where swear words are "cool" to him, and I don't want to reinforce that.

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