Hi! New to this board, usually just post on my local board, but had specific question and thought this would be a good place to post. So LO#2 is 7 months and is far from STTN, he's up almost every hour during the night and I'm at my wits end. He's not up because he's hungry, wet or dirty, I think he just wants to be held, I could handle if it was just once or twice a night, but he's literally up and wanting to held throughout the night. So I'm at the point where I might try CIO. I'm just wondering if anyone has done CIO and what did you do with LO#1? She's 2.5 and I'm wondering if LO#2's crying will distrub her. They're not the in same room but just across the hall, so she's going to hear him. Any advice?
Anyone try the No Cry Sleep Solution? Was that successful?
Re: CIO and LO#1 Question
I did CIO with #2 and #1 was right down the hall. She didn't even notice. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Worse case if you need to just put #2 down before #1.
As for NCSS I did use it with #1 before she was old enough to CIO. I guess it was better than nothing but definitely not as effective as CIO is.
My boys share a room and rarely disturb each other, even with some pretty long crying jags. It has really surprised me. I'll go in and whisper to one of them and the other is up like a shot.
I am amazed at how they are able to tune out the noises the other makes.
Good luck with the CIO.
we let #1 CIO around 9 months -- as we have had to do it several times sense, but I can tell you she walks to her crib 99% of the time & gets in without a single peep every night (please don't let this jinx me) I know other people who take 1-2 hours a night to put their kid to bed & that is not for us.
#2 woke #1 up ALL THE TIME those first 8 weeks. I am not going to lie, it wasn't fun. Many nights I was running between cribs. BUT, it got better