Hi ladies,
We found out yesterday at our first u/s that we are having TWINS! We are shocked, excited, and more than a little bit terrified. I'm looking forward to gaining some great insight from everyone on this board!
We have to have another ultrasound to confirm whether the twins have their own amniotic sacs... has anyone else had to do this, and how common is it? Should I be worried? I tend to worry anyway, so any stories to put me at ease would be awesome!
Re: New here! And expecting twins!
We also had to make sure there were 2 amniotic sacs because it was very hard to distinguish on the 1st u/s. Luckily, there are two! Having mono/mono twins is very rare, try not to worry about it.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Guess what? I'm expecting twins too, and it looks like we have the same due date!!!
April 21st by chance?
PM me sometime.
congrats and welcome!
unfortunately there is a lot to worry about with a twin pregnancy - so you'll have to get used to it
Expect many US's.
Get Dr. Luke's book on being pg with twins, triplets and quads- read it ASAP- it will answer a lot of your questions and help you to have a safe/healthy pg.
It's common to have to have a 2nd u/s to confirm. For me, we saw that we were having twins at my first u/s at 8w. Then I had to go for an "official" u/s to confirm twins a few days later. Then, maybe a week or two after that, I went to see my MFM and he did another u/s as well.
It is important to determine if they are in their own gestational sacs and things like that so they can monitor your risk level. Twin pregnancy does come w/ a set of risks, but you'll be watched closely and you'll get u/s's most likely every 4 weeks.
Don't worry!! It's very exciting! Congrats again!
Thanks ladies!
LoveTravel, your siggy pic is ADORABLE! Love the matching carriers!
Yes, we had 2 initial U/S. You could clearly see a dividing line in my first U/S at 11 weeks, but my OB had me come back 2 weeks later to double check everything. She said it was standard with multiples.
Congrats and welcome
We were able to see the membrane between ours at our 8 week u/s.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!