Do you have separate celebrations for family and DC's little friends, or do you invite the friends and their parents, along with the grandparents, aunts & uncles, etc., to one big party?
We were planning one one big party at our house, with a bounce house and a few activities for the kids; but the more I think about it, the more I'm considering having her 5 or 6 little friends and their parents come for a 2-hour party around noon, and then telling the grandparents and other family members to come later for a BBQ or something. Mixing all of those people together seems like it might be chaos...but then again, two parties in one day would also be a little crazy!
What would/do you do?
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Re: POLL re: your DC's birthday parties
Since we were in AL, we did a sep family party for DD. For the last two years, DD had just friends parties.
For DS, I invited friends without kids and friends with...I think next year. We will do JUST kids. He will be 3 then.