we did the 3 day potty training with my dd. This was after her telling us a few times a day. Well she did great was 100% out of diapers by day 3. I stayed home as much as I could the whole week. Well after a few weeks she started to have accidents. I did not use daipers or pull ups but started giving her treats again for going on her potty. Well it got worse and worse no matter what we did now we have had to put her back in diapers and she maybe goes on the potty once a day if that. I dont have any clue what to do now. I tired to restart the 3 day potty training and it has not worked. Anyideas of what to try now.
Re: Help with potty training
Not trying to sound snarky at all - just giving my opinion, but it sounds like you already made a decision (to put her back in diapers). IMO, I would have kept her in undies (if she was truelly ready - which sounds like she was). Everything I have ever heard/read says to never put them back in diapers.
Sorry :-(
Is she stressed? Regressing in other ways? Have you talked with your pediatrician to make sure something medical is not going on (bladder infection?)?
That has got to be so frustrating! I hope you figure it out. Good luck!