
Help with potty training

we did the 3 day potty training with my dd.  This was after her telling us a few times a day.  Well she did great was 100% out of diapers by day 3.  I stayed home as much as I could the whole week.  Well after a few weeks she started to have accidents.  I did not use daipers or pull ups but started giving her treats again for going on her potty.  Well it got worse and worse no matter what we did now we have had to put her back in diapers and she maybe goes on the potty once a day if that.  I dont have any clue what to do now.  I tired to restart the 3 day potty training and it has not worked.  Anyideas of what to try now.

Re: Help with potty training

  • Not trying to sound snarky at all - just giving my opinion, but it sounds like you already made a decision (to put her back in diapers). IMO, I would have kept her in undies (if she was truelly ready - which sounds like she was). Everything I have ever heard/read says to never put them back in diapers.

    Sorry :-(

  • We just started diapers after 6 mos of going everywhere but the potty.  I did not want to put her back in them but I can not keep having pee and poop all over my house.  I tried everything before diapers (pull ups) again. 
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  • Is she stressed?  Regressing in other ways?  Have you talked with your pediatrician to make sure something medical is not going on (bladder infection?)?

    That has got to be so frustrating!  I hope you figure it out.  Good luck!

    image Kelly Moore Classic Camera Bag in Grey, Shootsac, Hipslip, Lightroom 3, Canon Rebel xti, Speedlite 430 EXII, 18-55mm(kit), 55-250mm(kit), 50mm 1.8, Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8L and Canon EF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM ... Wishing for time to practice, a 5d Mark II (or III if it is coming), Canon 70-200 2.8L Canon 16-35L and willing models.
  • Our son started going on the potty really good.... and then all of the sudden flat out refused to use it at all. We never switched him to undies at that point.. but i was told by my dr to make sure not to push them. Let them decide on their own. We just always asked him if he had to go. What we found worked for us was a sticker board. We made up a construction paper chart and hung it right on the wall in the kitchen where he would see it all the time. When he went pee on the potty he got to pick out 1 sticker and put it on the board. If he went #2 on the potty.. then he got to pick out 3 stickers and put them on the board. He loved stickers at the time so he was THRILLED to get to put more stickers on that board. He went for a while without using it at all and then out of nowhere one day he said "mommy gotta go potty".. i was surprised and was like "ok lets go!!" and we were VERY excited and praising him. Both his daddy and I went into the bathroom with him and he went on the potty and we were all jumping around clapping all excited. (we probably looked retarded haha).. but it was just one day he decided to use it and after that he was in undies and has only has one or two accidents even at night. I was AMAZED!!! I never believe people when they told me, when he's ready he will do it" and he sure did!
    Me-26, DH-29, Together since '99, Married 6-20-09, M/C @ 10 weeks '03, DS#1: 6, DS#2: Stillborn @ 39 weeks due to umbilical cord accident 5.29.11: TTC #3 ******************************* Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Trying to Conceive 15 to 80 day cycle tickers
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