
Siblings with birthdays close together... several years apart but in the same month... or within a week or two of each other.

Anyone have pros/cons for this?

I have brothers whose birthdays are 2 days apart but don't want to ask them and accidentally hint that we're TTC. I'm worried about my EDD being within days of my DC's birthday...


Re: Siblings with birthdays close together...

  • My girls are 3.5 weeks apart -- one is 10 days before Xmas and the other is 8 days after the New Year, so we have loads of problems that have nothing to do with their birthdays and more so the time of the year.

    I am looking forward to combined parties after this year (I want Olivia to have her own 1st birthday party and they will be combined until either one objects).

  • my kids are 2 days apart. I was worried when i was pg that i'd be in the hospital or in labor on ds's birthday, but it all worked out - i went a few days early.

    With that said, i'm thrilled that they're so close together. We can do one big family and friends party for now until they're old enough to do friends only parties. We go all out too though - moon bounce, popcorn machine, cotton candy machine, etc. So now its just half the cost.

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  • I don't have any pros/cons myself since my kids will be 3 months apart.  But I have 2 sets of IL's with kids that are 1 week from each other.  They don't seem to mind it or have any issues with it but I can tell you that it drives the family nuts that they don't combine their birthday parties.
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  • My kids are 3 years and 5 days apart... not sure if there are really big pros here. It gets crazy in April now :-) 

    This year we ended up with 4 bday parties in a two week period. First we did Ethan's mini-bday at home on his bday (4/11), then J's mini-bday at home on his bday (4/16), then we did Ethan's bday party with his friends and then we did a combined bday party for the family (it was also J's first). Next year we may skip the combined family party and just do the kids' and close family all in one.  At least we can combine since they're only 5 days apart. 

    DH and his sister are 5 years and 4 days apart and they always had their bdays combined and always had big family parties. They also had their own parties with friends when they were older.

  • My sister's birthday is two days before mine (but I'm 7 years older) and it never bothered us.  The day in between was always 'reserved' for our family party and now I still hold that date open if she wants to do something with me.  I'm 31 and she is 24 and single so that is kind of fading quickly now that she has her own life, but I enjoyed our birthdays being close.
    J1 1.19.07
    J2 11.17.08
  • Mine are 29 days apart.   Its hard planning/having two parties within a month but mine are too far apart to have together plus I have a boy and girl

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  • My older sister and I shared a birthday, and our younger sister was born the day before our birthday.

    I really loved sharing my birthday with my sisters.  It was like Christmas in April at our house.  I can say that it never ever occurred to me that I would need my own day for my birthday to be special.  My older sister passed away 3 years ago, and my birthday just isn't the same without her. 

  • I know you said years apart but I have 3 (twins and a singleton) that are 11days apart.  It actually been fun so far to have a combined party.  

    As for when next year when L turns 5ys old he will get his own party.  It will be a larger party (not at home) and will invite friends from school and church.  The girls will be 4 and will have a smaller party at home.  

    I have a huge party planned for when they are around 6-7/7-8  I want to do a circus/carnival theme and have pony rides, clowns, big tent, cotton candy, popcorn, & games.  They will each get to invite a handful of friends  as we will also have church friends and family (cousins) there.  

    I think its fun to have their bdays close.  I also plan on taking them with 1 of their good friends each to movies, and weekend trips to a small water park near us or to Carowinds  (small theme park near us) 

    My sister and brother were 4 yrs apart but their bdays were only 2 days apart.  They always liked having close bdays.   

  • My EDD was 12/28 and my scheduled DD was 12/19.  Well, she came on 12/12...DSi' 2nd birthday!  Do I feel bad, absolutely.  But I plan to keep telling them that it is super special and celebrate in a way that they will both like...separate cakes, separate friend's parties when/if DD has enough different friends, etc.  I will either go out to eat at a place they both LOVE on the day of their birthday or will cook each of them a meal of their choice. 

    If they had close but different birthdays I would probably have a joint family party but separate friend parties.  It is what you make of it and IMHO I would not have skipped a month in TTC when we were having problems getting PG. 

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • Yes. All June. All 3 years and 7 days apart. June 8, June 15, June 22. Older bro= 8th, younger sis=15th, me=22nd. Let's just say it added to typical middle child syndrome. I felt like by the time my parents got to my bday, they were exhausted and tired of birthdays therefore I got the shaft. We never celebrated them together, that just isn't how my family does things. The cool part was that we always got presents on each others birthdays. :) and If my birthday falls on a Tuesday, I know that the previous two Tuesdays I better be calling the siblings. Idk. It wouldn't prevent me from ttc.
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