
I need advice.

I want to take my DS to storytime this morning. ?There are 2 going on at my local libraries. ?My son is 27 months and he has a speech delay. ?He says many, many words but few combinations and doesn't really answer questions except with yes and no. ?

The storytime at my library (2 minutes away) is advertised as "for talkers" ages 2-3.?

Another one which is 15 minutes away is advertised as "for toddlers" 18 months-3. ?

I want to take him to the one which is closer but I don't want her calling on him to answer questions about the book or anything like that. ?He is really sensitive and we are in situations like that now and again and he doesn't like it. Should I go and just tell her he has a speech delay and leave it at that or should we go to the other one with the wider age range??

Re: I need advice.

  • I would go for the one for *talkers*. I would go a little early and explain the situation. (I am a mum of a severly speeched guy, too) I would want to expose him to every possible oppertunity to engage in conversation- even if he just sees the convos happening.



    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
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  • I agree go to the one with talkers. It is very important that children with speech delays be around peers with typical speech. It is a great experience for him. I would show up early and talk to whoever does the story time. FWIW at our story time they ask group questions never to one child.
  • imageAndrewsgal:
    I agree go to the one with talkers. It is very important that children with speech delays be around peers with typical speech. It is a great experience for him. I would show up early and talk to whoever does the story time. FWIW at our story time they ask group questions never to one child.

    Ditto.  Good luck and have fun!

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • Thanks for the advice. ?I am sure I am projecting my feelings onto him when I say "he doesn't like it". ?That is what I will do, I am sure she will be understanding and hopefully he will enjoy himself. He LOVED going to storytimes until he was about 18 months and then he just wanted to explore the rooms that they were in. ?But now he is crazy about books at home so I thought it could be a good time to reintroduce it.?

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