DS (33 months) has been doing great peeing in potty and he tries to poop but has no luck. I have been letting him run around naked and asking him every 2 hours or sooner if he looks as though he needs to go. He has yet to tell me he needs to pee but when I sit him on the potty he goes with no problem. When I ask him if he needs to poop he says yes and tries but no luck, he then will ask for a diaper. What should I do?
Re: PTing question.
Actually I think you're on the right track. A lot of times they have a harder time w/the pooping than the peeing. My nephew would only poop in a diaper for the longest time. Just keep praising, reinforcing. If you haven't yet, you could try a potty chart (he can put a sticker on it every time he goes) and work up to a reward. For encouraging a poop on the potty, maybe try to think of a big reward you know he would love & just tell him whenever he chooses to poop on the potty, that's when he gets it.
Oh, also read books about pottying, maybe get some videos. We have a Bear in the Big Blue House one that my kids both still love. Anything to make it fun without pressure. I think it sounds like you're doing great!
My DS loves ice cream from Brusters. I made him a sticker chart....when he'd poop in the potty, he got a sticker. Started off with 2 poops=ice cream cone (free baby cone). Did that twice for immediate gratification. Stretched it to 3, then 4 then evenutally up to 6 then 10 stickers for a poop. After the ten, we stopped the stickers. It really only took a good 2 weeks of sticker charts (2-6 times =ice cream) and a few weeks of continuing reinforcement (8-10 times=ice cream) and then he was good to go. No accidents at all after the sticker bribes. We did this in June and he wasn't quite 2.5 yet.