I posted this on the Baby Showers board, but wanted to get advice from some fellow 2-under-2er's.
I'm currently expecting baby #2. It's another boy - our oldest son will be a little less than 18 months old when he's born. My very sweet and generous sister-in-law just offered to throw me a baby shower (she gave me a lovely one for DS #1). I had never even considered that I would have a shower for this one - we have nearly everything we need, and the idea just sort of makes me uncomfortable. It sounds like she's excited about the idea though, and I would hate to hurt her feelings. Is it possible to just have a baby "non-shower," just to hang out and eat and play games with close friends? Would anyone take a "no gifts please" message on the invites seriously? I genuinely don't want gifts, and if there's no way to have a "shower" without them I guess I would prefer no shower at all. I would hate for the invitees to feel like I'm gift-grabbing by having a 2nd shower when they so recently attended my first! It would be fun to hang out and celebrate the new baby, but I don't know if there's a way to do it without looking (and feeling!) tacky about it. Thoughts?
Re: Just got offered a 2nd shower... advice?
Regardless of what you put on the invite people attending a party in honor of a baby in your belly WILL feel obligated to bring gifts.
I'm 100% against second showers - especially this close in age.
I was offered one and declined.
If you don't want to hurt your SIL's feelings but you're not comfortable with a second shower why don't you tell her you'd love some 1:1 girl time with her before things get crazy with a new baby.
Plan a spa and lunch day with just her.
Any other people involved WILL feel obligated to give you and/or the baby gift(s).
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
I love this idea! IMO it's not appropriate to have another shower with the kiddos being both the same sex and close in age, so I'm with you on that. Some time out with the girls before the baby comes is a great idea though!
Love this idea, and the "casserole shower"
I am in the same boat. I always thought this would be totally tacky. But, my mom and her friends and my close family all want to do something. DD is 15mo. and now were expecting a boy.
Everyone wants to see us (we live 4 hrs. away) and shop for a little boy this time. I told my mom, I am not really into 2nd showers, because people feel obligated. She says, they will do something anyways.
As long as it's strictly family only, for my shower, I am fine with it. My family is super generous and looks for any idea to come together to eat, drink and give gifts.
Thanks for the input, everybody. I decided to thank my SIL but gently decline the offer. It just didn't feel quite right to me. I liked the idea of a casserole shower, but I still felt like I'd be asking too much of people. The folks I'd be inviting are all young, growing families and I just don't want to ask anything of them. If they want to bring dinner or gifts once baby boy gets here, I'll be most appreciative, but I don't want it to be a formal thing where they feel like they *have* to.
Thanks again!