did any of you have high levels of hcg in early pregnancy that resulted in dark lines on your pregnancy test like 5 days before AF? I had a heavy AF last month so I know that it cant be just off. I have multiples in my family and am just alittle anxious!
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Re: high levels of hcg=early BFP
I got a faint BFP at 11dpo. And at 5 weeks my HCG levels were just over the top of the normal scale for 5 weeks. I didin't suspect anything. Then at our first ultrasound at 7 wk 3 d they found two obvious heartbeats and babies! Shocker!
Looking back, my levels were quite high, but you can't really know until you see them on the ultrasound
betas really mean nothing. There is a huge variance in levels that are considered "normal" for any type of pg.
My twin and singleton betas were almost exactly the same.
If you are not 100% sure when you ovulated (which you wouldn't be unless you were being monitored by an RE) then chances are you O'd earlier than you thought and got the BFP early because of that.
the only way to know if it's twins is via US.
congrats! H&H 9mo!
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
I got my BFP for both DD and this pregnancy at 10dpo. Actually, this bfp was lighter (almost undetectable) at the same estimated DPO and didn't darken the heck up for dayyyyyyys.
I didn't have cause to get betas checked with DD but for this (twin) pg, they were 313 at 13dpo and 698 at 15dpo. According to betabase.info I am more in line with a twin pregnancy at that gestation but I also could've just been an outlier with a singleton. DH and I joked about it (much to his chagrin lol) before having our u/s on Friday that it could be twins.
Who knows. But for us the idea that high hcg = early detection doesn't hold true.