Hi everyone! I am a newbie and just wanted to introduce myself. I am 41, married for 10 months and recently started ttc. AF is late this month. Not sure if it's because I recently had fibroids removed or if I might be pg. I kinda want to test, but I don't want to be disappointed either : (
I thought I would wait until the end of the month to test. What do you all think?
Re: Newbie saying hello!
Hi and welcome.
Do you track when you ovulate? If so that would guide when you test. If not, I'd wait until your AF is very late and then start testing.
If you don't get lucky this cycle and want to look into charting to determine when you ovulate (and therefore best time sex), www.fertilityfriend.com is very popular around here.
I haven't tried tracking the O yet. I bought a OPK, which I thought I'd try next month...if I get a BFN this month.
I'll check out the link you provided. Thanks, Cathy.
You are welcome.
The best 'trifecta" of tracking O is to chart the temps, chart your CM (cervical mucus) and then back that up with an OPK. And of course, have sex
Also, if you aren't familiar with it already - the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility is an amazing resource if you are just starting out.
GL again!
Welcome. I am *I think* the yongest on this board, but the girls have welcomed me. They are great! I can't wait to find out more about you!
Welcome and good luck to you!!
Cat has some great advice for you and don't be afraid to ask questions...we are a really friendly bunch
Welcome and good luck on your ttc journey.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!! I looked at FF. It was a little overwhelming and the PowerPoints of the charts were too hard to see. (is there any way to open the charts up to see what everything looks like and what it all means???).
I looked at the book TCOYF before (borrowed from the library). I'll need to buy my own.
I look forward to getting to know you all and our journey together!!
I hope everyone is having a great day!!