

love the new sig! so sweet!

how is the hunt going for your DH's location?  I saw you posted either here or on FB about Boston....that could be fun! ;) 

Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image

Re: expecting0207

  • Thank you!  He is in Pitt today and after this only 4 places left (one in Balt, two in Boston, and one in CT). 

    Sadly, out of the first six, none of them are really what he is looking for.  He said if the rest seem like that he may consider a different field entirely.  :(  I really hope that is not the case because I want him to match and have an answer for where we are going soon!  

    I have to say though, I'm less scared about the move to a new place because I know I'll probably get together with Nestie friends in almost any big city we move to!  By next Friday, he will have to decide what he wants to do and submit a match list if he wants to go for a fellowship and then his match is at the end of October.

     I will keep you posted on this crazy ride!

    J1 1.19.07
    J2 11.17.08
  • he's a surgeon, right?

    you are so true...I had the same thought when I thought we were moving..."at least I'll have nestie friends to have play dates with!"


    definitely keep me posted! how are you dealing with all of this. the unknown just stinks and I know that you're as patient as I am! ;)   

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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  • Yes - he is considering doing a trauma fellowship, but if he doesn't like the programs he may consider something else and go somewhere that he can take trauma call as well to get his adrenaline fix I guess.

     And I have not dealt well!  I pretty much had a breakdown last week.  This week is better though.

    J1 1.19.07
    J2 11.17.08
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