
Night 1 of No Binky went ok

Not great but ok.  When I put her to bed she was hysterical crying, yelling, etc.  I felt so bad and was about to cave (thanks ladies for your encouragement last night).  My DH went in there and calmed her down and soon after that she fell asleep.  Apparently, when he won't give it to her she is ok, when I won't it's the end of the world.  We told her they were lost.  She even asked my teenager to look for them for her. 

We will see how today goes but at least Day 1 is over.

Re: Night 1 of No Binky went ok

  • That's great! It can ony get better from here, right?
  • Glad you made it through the first night! Hopefully it will get even easier from here.

    My DD just finished her first week without the binky. It actually went better than I expected. She started to cry the first nap, but I told her the binky fairy came and took them to little babies because she is a big girl and didn't need them anymore. I also told her that the binky fairy told me to take her to pick a present when she was all done using binkies. The first morning after, she and MH went to pick a present and we were golden from there. She has referenced a couple times that the binky fairy took hers, but hasn't asked for them back. I think it helped her to understand why and where they had gone.

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