
playground theme for today:

thug life/ smoking cigarettes at the playground...


funny- because we went to the "better" playground on the super rich people side of our is usually yupped out with a parking lot full of mercedes- it is really nice, and much nicer than the playground one block from me. going there is the only time I regret not buying the bugaboo..I feel totally lame and judged with my plain old Compas stroller- AND I always make sure I have make up on when we go there...

so FIRST, I see a family having a McDonald's picnic with their kids, camped out ON the playground, the mom is smoking ( I tried to take a pic for nest fun., but it didn't work out...) high class! The Highland mommies would have BALKED!

so they leave and 4 gangsta ass swaggering mofos roll up, bumping chests and passing things back and forth pocket to pocket while climbing all over the play structures!!  the few fancy moms took off, I stuck around, mostly to see what the heck was going on, and because I was just so shocked to see this here, plus I didn't want to look like I was scared off!

THEN two more super WT moms show up smoking and ignoring their kids, one of whom took quite a spill, and whom I had to cuddle back to sanity because he was flipping the eff out. I HATE TOUCHING OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN!!  especially while their mom is on her cell smoking and oblivious- I kept loudly saying Which one is your mommy, sweetie? WHICH MOMMY IS YOURS???

 it was surreal...I wish I could express to you guys HOW fancy this playground/ part of the hood is...for a public playground, anyhow.

The funny thing is that a year and a half ago- that crap was totally common place on my block- loads of gang action and trouble but our side of the nabe is getting nicer by the day, the trash must be moving west!

Re: playground theme for today:

  • Wait- I just thought of a great comparison! This playground is the Nest Parenting board of playgrounds!

    Everybody hangs out carefully doing the exact right parenting moves very conspicuously and judging each other!

    AND I love it.

    BUT: Today was BOTB day at the playground!!


  • I gave you 5 stars because that probably took hella long to write!
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  • imagepincushions:
    I gave you 5 stars because that probably took hella long to write!

    thanks, yo.

    Ive been waiting all night to post about it. I couldn't stop thinking about it. and thinking about telling you guys.

    but pretty much nobody cares.

    eff you all! ( not you- because of those stars..)



  • lol, I don't think many people are here tonight. Come back in the morning and I'm sure they'll get crazy with this!
  • your writing style...I am cracking up right now!  I can't decide which is funnier..."fancy moms" or "gangsta ass swaggering mofos."
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