our son just started kindergarden this year and he is having his first show and tell, what should he bring? we all not sure what he should bring, any suggestions?
Have you asked him what he wants to bring? I think he'd be more excited to participate and "show and tell" if he picks something he really likes. My DD had show and tell in preschool yesterday. She wanted to bring this ratty old horse with nappy hair. Fine by me. If I would have dictated what she brought, there's no way she'd have gotten in front of the class to talk about it.
DD took the book we read her every night before bed. She had it memorize. I would suggest anything that he could talk about when the teacher asks him questions. A picture or a favorite toy.
Re: Its our son's first show and tell, what should he bring?
Baking Blog
Have you asked him what he wants to bring? I think he'd be more excited to participate and "show and tell" if he picks something he really likes. My DD had show and tell in preschool yesterday. She wanted to bring this ratty old horse with nappy hair. Fine by me. If I would have dictated what she brought, there's no way she'd have gotten in front of the class to talk about it.