
A major increase in "fluids"/water broke?

I woke up this morning and there was three wet spots on my sheets. Not real small spots but not real big spots either. Maybe the length of a dollar bill. Of course, I thought "well here we go. My water broke and now one of our twins will die" or "maybe it was a leak in my bag of water".  I know, I know....a little dramatic. So I call my ob and he got me in right away this morning. I showered quickly and off I went. He said it was normal to have an increse of vaginal fluids, but to me I think it's more then that. I insisted he check me. He said he had these little strips to where if my water broke, the strip should turn blue instead of yellow. Well, the strip stayed yellow, but when I got home I remembered I forgot to tell him that I showered before I came. I think I'm just over reacting but I guess I'm hoping someone else has had the same experience and can ease my mind. I just have never had this happen before and am looking for some reasurrance.


Re: A major increase in "fluids"/water broke?

  • The changes in our bodies is quite scary at times, hang in there!

    That is good that you went and got it checked out. Have you called your Dr. back and asked if it mattered or not that you showered before taking that type of test?? It might give you better assurance if you call and double check. GL and pls. keep us posted.

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  • Did you have bottoms on?  I found when I was pregnant with the boys that I had to start wearing panty liners during the day (at night I didn't care).  Not only did I have a lot of discharge but also after I would pee I would have sit there a second a try again or when I got up some would leak out.

    Also, I know everyone is different and you can have a very small leak but when my water broke I KNEW it was my water.  It was way more than a little leak!  I went through 3 giants pads just trying to get my stuff together to get out of the house!

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  • imagetogagirl:

    Did you have bottoms on?  I found when I was pregnant with the boys that I had to start wearing panty liners during the day (at night I didn't care).  Not only did I have a lot of discharge but also after I would pee I would have sit there a second a try again or when I got up some would leak out.

    Also, I know everyone is different and you can have a very small leak but when my water broke I KNEW it was my water.  It was way more than a little leak!  I went through 3 giants pads just trying to get my stuff together to get out of the house!

    No, I didn't have any undies on. I noticed that my undies are a little damp during the day so it very well could be just an increase of fluid. It does make me feel better to know that you and others have had such an increase that you had to wear a pantyliner. I guess i'm just a worrywart but thank you sooo much for your responce! It is well appreciated :)

  • I had something similar happen except for the fact that I was awake. I felt a small rush of fluid - probably like half a tsp at most but to me it felt different than normal discharge. I called the Dr. also thinking that it was my water but he said that since it was only a one time thing and not so much its probably just a change in fluid and not to worry.
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