
Question (kinda long) PIP *Edited* PIP now works


I had an ultrasound the other day. ?We are trying to determine a due date. Well my doctor called to discuss the U/S and said that I have two options... either I am having a molar pregnancy or I am pregnant with multiples. Having never had either I don't know what I am looking for. ?

Can you ladies help me with this U/S picture? ?In this pic you can see a large gestational sac and two smaller possible sacs to the left. ?Does this look like multiples to you? ? By the way my doctor said I have 5 possible sacs, but you can only see 3 in this picture. ?

?I hope this makes sense. ?I have been googling all night and I am going crazy!?From what I can find this looks more like multiples than it does molar.

?Thank you SO much for any help!!


Re: Question (kinda long) PIP *Edited* PIP now works

  • dang it how do i get PIP to work??
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  • It's really tough with multiples.  The placement in the uterus can make all the difference as far as the clarity of the sacs...  We were told one of our guys wasn't viable and he most definitely was (and is).I hope you get answers soon! I'm hoping for the best.
    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
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  • Sorry - they find mine until 12 weeks, at your stage they only saw one sac for me. Good luck
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  • I didn't have a u/s till 12 weeks so I don't know much about earlier ultrasounds, but I just wanted to say I hope things turn out well for you!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • they saw mine clearly at 9 wks...
  • Sorry, I'm not sure.  At 6wks 2days, I had two sacs & 2 heartbeats.  Do you have another u/s scheduled.  Right around 6wks the heart starts beating.  Were you able to hear it?  If your 6 wks exactly today, it might have been too early.  
  • imageheathb21:
    Sorry, I'm not sure.? At 6wks 2days, I had two sacs & 2 heartbeats.? Do you have another u/s scheduled.? Right around 6wks the heart starts beating.? Were you able to hear it?? If your?6 wks exactly today,?it might have been too early.??

    I don't think I am 6 weeks. ?I was just guessing. ?My doc thinks I am around 5 weeks. ?I have had 2 u/s and 4 rounds of blood work. ?She is still trying to determine how far along I am. ?Right now all we can see is one larger sac and 4-5 smaller (possible) sacs.


    I am waiting to see what my numbers are from the blood work I had this morning. ?Hopefully she will send me for another u/s so I can get some answers!?

  • imagechunkymonkey17:

    Sorry, I'm not sure.  At 6wks 2days, I had two sacs & 2 heartbeats.  Do you have another u/s scheduled.  Right around 6wks the heart starts beating.  Were you able to hear it?  If your 6 wks exactly today, it might have been too early.  

    I don't think I am 6 weeks.  I was just guessing.  My doc thinks I am around 5 weeks.  I have had 2 u/s and 4 rounds of blood work.  She is still trying to determine how far along I am.  Right now all we can see is one larger sac and 4-5 smaller (possible) sacs.

    I am waiting to see what my numbers are from the blood work I had this morning.  Hopefully she will send me for another u/s so I can get some answers! 

    I don't see four smaller sacs at all. In my 6w US done on a crappyass machine in the ER, you can clearly see two distinct amniotic sacs. If you mean you're waiting on your ##s to help determine if there are muliples, don't hold your breath. Betas, etc. don't mean jack.

    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
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