I had an ultrasound the other day. ?We are trying to determine a due date. Well my doctor called to discuss the U/S and said that I have two options... either I am having a molar pregnancy or I am pregnant with multiples. Having never had either I don't know what I am looking for. ?
Can you ladies help me with this U/S picture? ?In this pic you can see a large gestational sac and two smaller possible sacs to the left. ?Does this look like multiples to you? ? By the way my doctor said I have 5 possible sacs, but you can only see 3 in this picture. ?
?I hope this makes sense. ?I have been googling all night and I am going crazy!?From what I can find this looks more like multiples than it does molar.
?Thank you SO much for any help!!
Re: Question (kinda long) PIP *Edited* PIP now works
Did it work now?
After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
I don't think I am 6 weeks. ?I was just guessing. ?My doc thinks I am around 5 weeks. ?I have had 2 u/s and 4 rounds of blood work. ?She is still trying to determine how far along I am. ?Right now all we can see is one larger sac and 4-5 smaller (possible) sacs.
I am waiting to see what my numbers are from the blood work I had this morning. ?Hopefully she will send me for another u/s so I can get some answers!?
I don't see four smaller sacs at all. In my 6w US done on a crappyass machine in the ER, you can clearly see two distinct amniotic sacs. If you mean you're waiting on your ##s to help determine if there are muliples, don't hold your breath. Betas, etc. don't mean jack.