
Baby Jogger micro stroller?

I have heard a lot of twin MoM's recommend the City Mini but I just saw the city micro and wondering if anyone has this and if so do you like it?  What do you like about it?


Re: Baby Jogger micro stroller?

  • From what I've read, the Mini is worth the extra money.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • My understanding is that the micro is actually heavier (!) and I know the sunshades aren't as good. I would pay the extra for the Mini.
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  • I went into our local retailer to try them both - the lady said that Baby Jogger just made the micro to get one of their strollers into the lowest price range. It's the same exact frame as the mini, with less features and cheaper fabric. IMO i'd get the mini, thats what we are going to do.

    PS: city mini new colors are out on Oct 10.

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