I am making pizza with a whole wheat shell crust, vegetarian italian sausage crumbled up, tomatoes and sauce...
but what I want is Pad Se Lew with tofu from Swing Thai..covered in balsamic vinegar..it would be the 4th time I have had it this week though ( ordered it 3 times, ate leftovers the 4th)...my husband said that it would be fine with him! (but it really can't be ok to order thai takeout 3 times in a 7 day period...can it? )
We have NO food in this house and I have no desire to battle the grocery store until Friday morning when I don't have to work! I can't tolerate the 5pm crowds at the store.
Left overs. We leave tomorrow for the ILs (please shoot me now) so I'm trying to use up what we have. I did pot roast in the crockpot and potato soup earlier this week. Yum!
Well MH stayed home sick and I went to the store and asked him about 12 times before I left if he had any special requests. All he wanted was tomato soup and grilled cheese. I get back and he had just finished watching Paula Deen make beef stew. Guess what he wants for dinner now? So after a second trip to the store, we will be having beef stew. I hope it tastes OK only cooking it a couple of hours-usually I let something like that cook all day.
Re: what's for dinner tonight??
I am making pizza with a whole wheat shell crust, vegetarian italian sausage crumbled up, tomatoes and sauce...
but what I want is Pad Se Lew with tofu from Swing Thai..covered in balsamic vinegar..it would be the 4th time I have had it this week though ( ordered it 3 times, ate leftovers the 4th)...my husband said that it would be fine with him! (but it really can't be ok to order thai takeout 3 times in a 7 day period...can it? )
yes it can BoF
We're having homemade pizzas too!
We have NO food in this house and I have no desire to battle the grocery store until Friday morning when I don't have to work! I can't tolerate the 5pm crowds at the store.
We ordered a Thai Chicken Pizza. My favorite lately! It was awesome. And wine - of course!