Thanks so much for your response below. I always have a lot of spotting so I am holding out some hope that like you I am a "spotter" and could still be preg. My SIL also had spotting with her IVF and now she has a beautiful son. My nurse said that lots of girls (like 50%) have spotting that doesnt affect the outcome. I just hope hope hope that it is not pre-AF spotting.
Did you have red spotting?
Re: peztopper
girl, i've had the rainbow!
it was light red and light red watery and stringy. seriously, i had it all. and i tested at 11dpui and it was a bfn. that phone call about the bfp was THE surprise of my life.
my RE just kept saying that "some women spot". it wasn't very reassuring especially after already having two miscarriages but the difference this time around was the progesterone and i had to put my faith in that.
many friends have told me about women getting full on periods and having spotting throughout pregnancy and now have gorgeous, healthy children.?
i hope it's not pre-af spotting either. and with the progesterone you never know if the symptoms are pregnancy or the progesterone!!!! ?
i'm rooting for you! just know that "some women spot". like i said before, it doesn't give me the warm fuzzies but it is possible to spot and be pregnant and i hope to goodness you are! fingers are crossed!!!!!!!!!