Hi all,
I had IUI #1 Monday, but I'm concerned that maybe IUI was too late because I noticed ?my ?BBT jumped up on Sunday morning. ? I did trigger shot at 11pm Saturday (which was CD 14) and?Dr. did an u/s Monday AM and said I had ovulated already, then I had IUI Monday at 11am (36 hours after trigger shot, CD 16). ?
Just wondering if anyone else had thoughts about IUI after BBT temp. rise. ?2WW is tough, huh? ???The good thing is we did BD right after trigger shot so maybe that will work out... ? not sure what to expect.
Also, any advice on how NOT to obsess during 2ww? ?
Susan ?(39, ttc since Jan. '08, m/c Mar.' 09)
Re: IUI timing question
I have done nothing but obsess and slowly lose my mind during this 2WW.
But the best thing you can do is keep your mind busy. If you have any books that you have wanted to start - go get those books now and start reading.
Last week we rented the movie "Duplicity" - really good movie with lots of plot twists. It completely took my mind off of IVF for 2 hrs.
Good luck and I hope you get your BFP soon!
I did B2BIUI last cycle and I am almost certain I O'd in between the IUIs. I get significant O pain on clomid and it went away during the night before the 2nd IUI. Dr. Google tells me that an IUI after O may actually work better in MFI situations. The IUI gets the sperm right where it needs to go so I don't think it is quite as important to make sure it is already there waiting like it is during TI. The egg will live 12-24 hours, but starts to break down after 12 hours. I think if you had the IUI within 12 hours of Oing, you are still in good shape. Also, the BD should cover you if the timing was off for the IUI.
Good luck!
Can't help you with the not obsessing--not my strong suit.
Thanks for the responses ladies, keeping my fingers crossed!
And if I have to do this again, hopefully not, I plan to use an OPK to keep an eye on my natural LH surge. ?That might be helpful.
I have come up with a new word, Websessive, after spending too much time online yesterday! ?I had WCD really bad...
Don't have any advice about not obsessing during the 2WW, but your question is now making me obsess too...LOL! I'm in the 2WW after IUI #1. My BBT rose the morning of my IUI and I also had IUI again the following day.
i think my RE told me that the trigger will cause the BBT to rise
its telling your body to secrete LH and progesterone to release the egg and hence you see a temp rise