I know it sounds a little silly, but did anyone have an idea of when they were going to give birth? Or at what point did you know? Meaning, for some reason I keep thinking that as I get closer to 38 weeks, I'll have a better idea of when the babies are coming. Like at 34 weeks, I might see that my cervix is shortening or another sign that the babies are getting closer. (Obviously, I want them in there as long as possible, but I know with twins its not always the case) So anyways, if you knew in advance, even slightly in advance, that the babies were coming I'm curious how long and when.
Re: Knowing when you are going to give birth
i really knew the day before, because we scheduled my c/s then. :P
i never went into labor, but i was in the hospital on bedrest. i got to be so miserable (horrific rash and mild pre-eclampsia) that in the few days leading up to it, i knew it would be soon.
but that's different than "knowing" when you're going to go into labor. can't help there. :P
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Again, my labor experience thus far is with just one baby, so forgive me ladies if everything I say is differnt b/c of that!
There's not really anyway to "know" exactly when it will be (like the next day or whatever). With me, I went to my 38w appt. and was 2cm dilated already. The NP told me, "I don't think we'll see you next week, I bet you go into labor before your next appt." And she was right, 5 days later I went into labor. But, until I woke up that morning w/ contractions, I had NO clue! In fact, I was hoping it *wouldn't* happen b/c that day was Christams Eve. I kept saying, "Hold off another few days...hold off another few days..." just b/c i didn't want his b-day to stink! Maybe that's what did it, LOL!
A friend of mine sat 2cm dilated for WEEKS! I think at her 37w appt. she was 1cm. And her 38 she was 2cm. She thought for SURE she'd go any minute. She ended up going into to labor the day before they were giong to induce her--at 41w. So...cervical changes could mean everything...or nothing!
Again, this may not be the case w/ a multiple pregnancy, but I have a feeling it is.
i always had a feeling I'd make it to my 38w1d scheduled c/s.. but then again, i worried like crazy i'd go into labor early, and then even at term- just freaked about every feeilng, etc.
so even though i technically knew when i would give birth b/c it was scheduled- i never truly know that would be the day (as no pg woman can ever truly know).
i knew almost my whole pg that it would be at 38w - and knew that would be june 15th, the monday after i turned 38w. It was officially on the books 2 months in advance.