1st Trimester

Maybe this new Dr isn't so bad...

I am going to a new doctor than I went to with DS since we moved 8 hours away and have been a little let down by their procedures/policies.  I was told that they only do 1 ultrasound at 20 weeks and I was bummed about that.  DH and I had decided to do the NT scan not because we want to know the results (the results won't change anything for us) but because we would get a chance to see our baby on ultrasound. 

DH wasn't sure if he was going to be able to make my appointment next week so I emailed the doctor's office and asked what was going to happen at the appointment so I could let DH know.  The doctor emailed me back and said that if DH came he'd do a complimentary ultrasound so we could see the baby!!!  DH will definitely be there now! Big Smile

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