
xp: babies crying during feeding

Hi there-

I don't frequent this board, my twins were born at 36 weeks and someone on another board rec'd I try over here. Perhaps this is all due to reflux...?


both DC's (5 wks old) have been starting to cry during feedings, one more than the other but it is so frustrating & I just don't know what to do.DD has reflux & is on meds for it already (Axid twice a day). It is not that she is full & doesnt want any  more b/c sometimes she starts very early in the feeding even after a long time without eating and with lots of hunger cues. She will take like 3 gulps & start to scream but then eagerly latch on (to the bottle, not breast) and try to drink more and then scream, etc. It happens even after some good burps or with lengthy attempts at burping.I don't think it is the formula b/c it does not always happen and also we have used ready to feed and powdered & it doesnt make a difference (also is not bubbles- the ready to feed doesnt have any & I stir the powdered w/ a spoon and pop as many bubbles as possible). We are still on 22 cal formula so i don't have that many options with formula anyway.  Eventually she will finish most of the bottle  (2 1/2 to 3 oz) but it is a long & upsetting process for everyone... DS has just started with this same thing although mostly at the end of a feeding so I have chalked it up to him being finished (even though he does the same thing where he roots on my shoulder and/or opens his mouth & gives lots of hunger cues and tries to drink but then cries.) 

What am I missing? I really am not trying to force food on them past when they're hungry, and if it is gas, I'm not sure what to do besides the burping. I have gripe water & mylicon drops so I guess I could try them- is it best to use them before or after (or in formula) feeding? 

Re: xp: babies crying during feeding

  • DS has reflux - it sounds to me like your twins' reflux medicines aren't doing their job - if it seemed to work previously, then they could be outgrowing their dosages.

    DS is on prilosec and does exactly what you prescribe when after a while (1? month?) of being on the same dosage.  Once the doctor increases the dosage, we see some benefit in about 2 days, but the full benefit in about a week symptoms go away.

    Another potential is that Axid may not be the best choice for your child - unfortunately this is kind of trial an error to see which works for you.  If it seemed to work previously then I suspect it's probably a dosage issue.




  • Also, I hope it gets better soon. :( Reflux and difficulty feeding is so frustrating.  DS is still on his meds and it hasn't gotten any better, although his meds are working.  But now that he's teething, his reflux has gotten bad enough that he keeps choking on it (and almost aspirating and screaming)- so we've started thickening his milk with Simply Thick.  This product is AMAZING and I can't tell you how much it's changing our day-to-day life and our son is so much more comfortable.

    Something to consider if the medicine alone isn't enough!

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    Hi there-

    I don't frequent this board, my twins were born at 36 weeks and someone on another board rec'd I try over here. Perhaps this is all due to reflux...?


    both DC's (5 wks old) have been starting to cry during feedings, one more than the other but it is so frustrating & I just don't know what to do.DD has reflux & is on meds for it already (Axid twice a day). It is not that she is full & doesnt want any  more b/c sometimes she starts very early in the feeding even after a long time without eating and with lots of hunger cues. She will take like 3 gulps & start to scream but then eagerly latch on (to the bottle, not breast) and try to drink more and then scream, etc. It happens even after some good burps or with lengthy attempts at burping.I don't think it is the formula b/c it does not always happen and also we have used ready to feed and powdered & it doesnt make a difference (also is not bubbles- the ready to feed doesnt have any & I stir the powdered w/ a spoon and pop as many bubbles as possible). We are still on 22 cal formula so i don't have that many options with formula anyway.  Eventually she will finish most of the bottle  (2 1/2 to 3 oz) but it is a long & upsetting process for everyone... DS has just started with this same thing although mostly at the end of a feeding so I have chalked it up to him being finished (even though he does the same thing where he roots on my shoulder and/or opens his mouth & gives lots of hunger cues and tries to drink but then cries.) 

    What am I missing? I really am not trying to force food on them past when they're hungry, and if it is gas, I'm not sure what to do besides the burping. I have gripe water & mylicon drops so I guess I could try them- is it best to use them before or after (or in formula) feeding? 


    I'm having the exact same problem right now with one of my twins. I'm taking them to the doctor this week because she just looks like she's in so much pain. I'll post a response with what the doctor recommends.

  • Sounds exactly like my twins.  They were born at 34 weeks and are now 8 weeks old.  They fed fine for a while, then about two weeks ago both started doing exactly what you describe.  DS was on Zantac which didn't seem to help much.  Now they're both on Prevacid.  It's been a week and no big improvement, but I heard it could take up to two weeks.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is the miracle drug we've been looking for.  It breaks my heart seeing them in so much pain, not to mention it takes twice as long to feed and we try to keep them upright for at least 30 mins after, so I feel like my whole day is caught up in feeding.  Right now it seems as though GERD runs our lives.  We're hesitant to take the babies out in public because of their screaming and because feeding is such a process.  It keeps both DH and I up all night.  I would love to be able to have a nice relaxing feed and be able to set them down right after.  However, we have to plan when we're going to change their diapers and clothes, give them baths, do tummy time, etc because we can't lay them down for a while.  I don't mean to sound negative, but just know that you're not the only one going through this and eventually they will get over the reflux.  I did find that the AR formula helps a bit.  Like your babies, mine were also on Neosure for the first few weeks, but they were gaining well and the ped said it was ok to try something else.
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