
A VSD isn't enough for Synagis :(

I just got off the phone with the cardiac dept at our Children's Hospital.  Apparently DS having a VSD isn't enough because he is over age 1.  Since he doesn't have any cardiac episodes and isn't on medication for the VSD, synagis won't get approved for the second winter. 

We will be going to therapy at least once a week this winter.  DS will be exposed to people.  I am extremely nervous.  All the office could offer me is to make sure he gets a flu shot and h1n1 when it's available.

This sucks.

Re: A VSD isn't enough for Synagis :(

  • I'm sorry! Hopefully you ll be able to keep your DS healthy.
  • I assume when you say vsd you mean ventrical septal defect. Just want to say I have lived w/ vsd all my life and never once had any problems from it. I don't say this to show off but just to maybe give you some encouragement that people w/ this defect can have a normal life. Anyway it's crummy that they won't give him synagis. Hopefully the flu shots will help him out and you can avoid sickness this winter.
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