
Clicky poll: How many hours a week is your child in Pre-K (or will they be)?

I am looking into options for DD when she turns 4 years old.  We have free pre-K here, it is 32.5 hours a week, so almost full time.  Most people who can afford it don't send their kids there, and send them to other programs, that are 15 to 20 hours a week.  I only want to send DD to a program for 8 hours a week at 4 years, and feel like I am alone in this in my community.

I was wondering what people do in other places.  


Re: Clicky poll: How many hours a week is your child in Pre-K (or will they be)?

  • Our kids all do the 3 year old preschool, which is Tues/ Thurs (DD #2 is in that now) from 9-11:30.  Then they do the 4 year old preschool, which is Mon/Weds/ Fri from 9-11:30.  I feel this is a perfect amount of time for children this young.  More would be overkill, unless it's daycare. 

    Our 6 year old is in 1/2 day kindergarten this year, which is Mon-Fri, 7:25am-11:15am.  It took some doing to find a school that still offers just 1/2 day, though!  I think full day at that age is still too much.   Plus, I am home anyways, so I would rather she nap here rather than on the floor at school!  I figure that she will be gone full days soon enough with 1st grade...I am in NO rush for that to come!

  • DS is in a Montessori program that runs 7 hours/day.  I think most of the 4 and 5 y/o's are going for this amount of time, although they have a half day option.  Have you checked your school district's preschool? Ours offer a full day, but I think half day is the norm.

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  • If it matters, the Florida pre-K program is 4 hours/day. Currently, thats what my just-turned-4 year old does, except that since he is there full time, technically it's Pre-K with wrap around care. I answered the last option though.
  • I didn't vote because my dd is in a Pre-K class for 5 year olds.  She goes 12 hours/week.

    When she was 4, she 6 hours/week.


  • We do and will continue to do 2hrs 2 times a week.
  • None of the poll answers fit exactly, but I chose the last one. Sam is 3 1/2 & has preK 5 days/week - 8:00-10:30 am. The rest of the day is childcare. He has 12.5 hrs of PreK/week & goes to about 25 hrs/week of childcare.

    I call out the difference because the PreK & childcare are totally separate programs.

  • DD will be 4 in December.  She is in school 3.5 hours twice a week now.  Next year she will go 3.5 hours, three times a week.  Kindergarten in our town is still only half days, 5 days a week.
    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
    DD3 - 3.28.11
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