OMG, DS went with the teacher fine on Friday, the first day. He was cautious but went and when I picked him up they said he had a rough day but that he will be fine but he was all happy to see me and waving...they do drop-offs and pick-ups in front. Well, day 2...not so easy. When we pulled up to the line he told me "I won't go." Well, before the teacher even came to get him it was hysterics and when we went to take him he held onto the two seats in the van with his legs spread out with a death-grip. I parked and went in to see how he was and how the teacher was with him and he was sitting on one of the teachers laps, he was turned to the side so I could not tell if he was crying or not but she was reading to him for a little while. Then she asked a few questions, he shook his head no, shrugged his shoulders and then started sobbing Worst part, there were kids in class and all the rest (all girls and he is the youngest) were playing out "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes." I feel so bad for him. This is why he is going, because he needs time without me and DH because he does not even have a baby sitter but it was so sad.
I told DH I have found a use for my Elementary Education degree...home schooling!
Re: Day 2 of preschool - considering home schooling
(((hugs))) to both of you! He is young so if it doesn't work out this year I bet he'll be fine next year.
Poor little guy.
Ava did this for almost two months last year at Mother's Day Out...all the other kids were so happy and singing along, and she would just sit in the corner and cry. It broke my heart. But she eventually got used to it, and at the end of the year when they gave us their end-of-year "yearbooks" I saw pictures of her playing in those early days with the other kids, which told me she only had a rough time when I first dropped her off. And now she is fine.
I think you're doing the right thing - better to get him used to being away for a little while now, than to blast him in kindergarten with five full days a week. That happened to me (I never went to preschool) and it was a pretty rough transition for a while.
This is totally normal for day 2. I am a toddler teacher and always have one or two kids that cry all day the first few days. It happens and the teachers are prepared for it. This was me on Thursday with one of my new students. The only time he wasn't crying was at nap time. It will get better. He needs to get used to it.
I had one girl who cried the entire first week. By the second month she ended up being the most outgoing one in the class! Keep talking to the teachers, give them suggestions of things he likes that may distract him (whether he loves blocks or certain songs) this will make him feel more comfortable. And talk positively about his day. Talk about everything they did at school (even if he didn't participate).
Don't worry, it will get better.
Can you do a class that separates a little more gently?
Here in MN they have parent child ed classes where you do the first ~hour together, and then the kids go to another room and the parents do a parent-ed thing.
If a kid freaks out they come get the parent and the parent spends the rest of teh time with the kid, as the kid slowly gets used to the new room, teachers, and separating.
There is a reason kindy starts at 5- most kids are ready to separate by 5 (developmentally) so it isn't totally shocking that a 3 year old isn't quite ready yet.