
Car seats - check

I went to BRU this weekend, and bought out car seats. I had 2 coupons for 15% and 10% off and on baby item. Then while I was at the register, my dad yells out (embrassing me) that the car seats are buy one get one free, because I'm having twins. The cashier said you're having twins, I just kinda shook my head, and she gave me another 10% for multiples. That was freaking awesome, I didn't know that they gave you a discount if your buying bulk of one item (car seat etc.) for having multiples.

Re: Car seats - check

  • Dads are so funny!

     And yes, BRU gives you 10% on each item if you buys 2 of the same item over $50.  We have used the discount on our cribs so far and plan to use it on other items we dont get at the shower.

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