Molly is doing better every day - transferred from NICU to secondary care nursery on Friday, is gaining weight, moved from an isolette to a crib, and I've started to try nursing (she's not quite interested yet, though).
But I'm still struggling to wrap my mind around everything that's happened in the past two weeks, and I function better when I can read and research everything. Are there any essential books to read for preemie parents? tia.
Re: Anyone have any preemie-related book recs?
Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies. You can probably find it at a local large bookstore, and I know you can get it on Amazon.
Thank you.
that's the book that the mommies of this board recommended to me.. and since then i've given 2 copies to other families in the's great!
be sure you only read the parts that pertain to your little one.
i would recommend staying on this board and checking out blogs too. these ladies have a ton of experience and helped (still help) me out so much!
YES! I have this book and love it, but i'm so glad that the introduction tells you not to read it cover to cover (which is what I intended). You will drive yourself crazy looking for symptoms of the most exotic syndrome. Ask your doctor if there are things that are common that you should know about or be on the lookout for and read those sections ONLY. Good luck!
Ditto. DD's neonatologist gave us this book before delivery (I was hospitalized for a month prior with no amniotic fluid) and while it's been great, I wish he would have pointed out that it was copyrighted in 2000. That would have saved me a lot of anxiety when looking at survival statistics, etc - there have been a LOT of advancements in nine years. We supplemented that info with the March of Dimes website.
I also like "The Premature Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know about Your Premature Baby from Birth to Age One" from the Dr. Sears Parenting Library.