
My former (1st) fosterdaughter might move near me!!!!

I'm super excited.  I hope it really happens.  Unfortunately her parents split up (she was with us a year and then reunified).  She is suppose to start kindergarten and her dad mentioned he's looking to relocate right near us!  I have a feeling the fact that we serve as a free babysitter comes into play, but I don't care...I want her here and want to make sure she's always doing well.  She's been out of our care for almost 2 years now and I miss her so much.  Her bios were doing ok at parenting but I think things are really going downhill and sometimes I secretly pray she'll come back to live with us.  I really want it to work out with her parents, but if it's not, I want her back.  Well I'm just so thankful they've at least kept in contact with us, even if it is only for free babysitting ;)


Re: My former (1st) fosterdaughter might move near me!!!!

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