Audrey Jane is my favorite for the girls. I like all the boy names except Mateo and Liam. Caleb is probably my favorite followed by Owen and then Colin.
We are kind of in the same boat. Uber-Italian last name. I like a lot of Gaelic names but I gotta tell you, they tend to sound really strange with an Italian last name. But then if we choose an Italian first name it all sounds a little too ethnic. We have had our best luck sticking with classic Latin names (Jack, Andrew, Max, etc). Love Mateo and Leo but both rhyme with our last name.
Since you asked...My husband was adopted by his dad which is really his step father. He has never met his real dad and never will. So our last name is Italian...
Re: I have expanded my name poll...
I like Audrey best of your girls name choices, and Emma second. I just don't think the others would sound good with an Italian last name.
Of the boys names, I like all of them except Mateo, Liam and Christian. I think my favorite is either Colin or Caleb.
Since you asked...My husband was adopted by his dad which is really his step father. He has never met his real dad and never will. So our last name is Italian...
You have a lot of Irish names in there which I don't think match with an Italian last name.
Isn't Matteo spelled with 2 t's? I also like Carolina spelled this way better.
In Spanish (her DH is Mexican) Mateo is definitely one T.
Mateo could be either way but I prefer one T.
My mom's middle name is Carole so I like Carolena...I also don't want people to say the name like North Carolina...