Today when my husband and I were running errands I starting having a tightness and weird feeling on my left side only. ?I haven't felt this before and I don't know what it could be. ?So far all my RLP has been really low, could it be this and it's now just higher? ?Because it's only one side I don't think it's a BH contraction. ?I am now home and just laying down, but wondering if anyone else had this. ?TIA
Re: Weird feeling on one side
This seems familiar to me but I can't remember what my doctor told me about it. I remember having pains on one side and all I can think of is just make sure the pain is not near your appendix. When it comes down to it though it is most likely one of the babies pushing against an organ or maybe you were a little dehydrated. I would just mention it at your next appointment, never hurts to be thorough.