
2nd timers - feel like your pg is going too fast?

My pg with DS flew by, but this one is going WAY too fast.  I was just talking to my mom on messenger and I told her that I wish I was 8w pg.  At that point I felt great and I knew that I still had a while until the twins would be born.  It tears me up to know that DS isn't going to be our only child for much longer and the center of our world pretty soon.  Don't get me wrong, this pg was very much planned, but I'm really having a hard time knowing that pretty soon it won't just be him and I (and great, now I'm crying thinking about it).  I feel terrible for feeling this way, but our life seems so perfect right now, I know that's all about to change.

Re: 2nd timers - feel like your pg is going too fast?

  • Yep! Right there with ya! I thought it would go by slower, since I found out earlier (DS wasn't planned, so I didn't find out until I missed a period). This time we were TTC, so as soon as humanly possible I tested, LOL! I thought that would make it drag.

    But nope, I can't believe I'll be 20w tomorrow!!

    And I definitely have my moments where I'm sad about not just being with DS anymore. But I know that in the end, sibblings are a great gift for him. I do get teary though, b/c as these babies are born and grow, that means that DS is even OLDER. Ya know? It's crazy.

  • I almost chose not to get pregnant again because I have a 14 year who is very involved in sports and an 8 year old who is also.  How will I possibly stay active in thier active lives with two babies.  Answer is... I won't be able to.  Not like I do now.  Ball games, movie night, taking my 14 year driving, going to water parks, etc.  I feel like I will be abandoning them.  And let's face it I kind of will.  And by the time the twins are old enought to do more... my oldest will be in college and gone.  You want to talk about crying.  It's going to be hard.
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  • Yes, and it's freaking me out!  Especially considering that we really didn't find out about our twins until pretty recently.  All of a sudden I realize that I'm just over halfway through and we have LOTS to do.  And I do get really sad about the time that DS and I (and DH too, but I SAH) have together and how it's coming to an end.  I am excited about him becoming a big brother and having three kids so close in age, but when I think about how hard it will be (on everyone) in the beginning I get sad and nervous.

    RIght now I find myself waffling between wanting time to speed up so we can zip through the really tough early stages, and wanting it to slow down almost to a halt. 

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