
When do I have to do the big boy bed?

DS turned 3 in August and is still in a crib. He jumped out almost a year ago, and we installed the crib tent and haven't had a single problem since then (knock on wood). He loves the tent, has never asked to move into a big boy bed. I'm dreading ever putting him in a bed because he is NOT the type of kid who will go to bed on his own if given the choice. I know it will be weird to have a kindegartener still in a crib (lol), but is there an age when they really should be in a bed and not a crib? Is my son the only 3-year-old still in a crib?
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Re: When do I have to do the big boy bed?

  • Don't move them until you "have too"!

    Miles had to move out of the crib because we moved and broke a crib.

    We are moving DD slowly because she can climb out and a crib tent isn't an option with her crib.

  • Our older DD stayed in her crib until she was about 3 - 3 1/2 or so.  She NEVER, not once tried to climb out.  She figured I put her in there for a reason & who was she to try to get out, LOL!  She felt very safe in her crib.  We attempted a big girl bed around 2 1/2, but she missed the confinement of the crib & so she went back to that for at least another 6 mos. 

    That said, I don't think there is any rush moving him as long as he is safe (sounds like you have that covered with the crib tent).  It won't be long before he is asking to be in a "big boy bed"...and then you will know it's time!

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  • I dont' think there is any kid who is the type to stay in a bed once that new wonder is upon them.  The freedom they have to get in and out as they please is astoundingly amusing to them.  Unfortunately, it will probably be an issue at first but you have to make the switch at some point.  Brooke turned 3 a month ago and still loves her crib, no tent either, she just won't climb in or out.  She can, she just won't.  BUT I know that she needs a bed bed very soon.
  • I have been wondering this very same thing.  Ian is 2.5 and also has never tried to climb out and loves the crib.  Glad to see I could have another year yet!  haha
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  • We did it about 3 months before she turned 3.  The reason being that she had been daytime pt'ed for quite awhile, and was consistently staying dry at night.  We didn't want to ditch the night time pull up until she could get out of her bed if she had to go.

    We've never had issues with her getting out of bed or falling out, so I think we did it at the right time for her.

  • Guess I'm the minority.  I put #1 in a twin bed at 14 months old and plan to do the same for #2.  I don't have a problem with him getting out of bed once I put him in it.  He is going to be 3 at the end of the year.   
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