One of our babies came home yesterday. Some feedings were very good, but a few were about 1/2 of what he normally takes. He didn't want to sleep in the crib, he was so fussy (nurses warned us about). He's used to being swaddled and inclined a bit or on his side or stomach, all of which they told us not to do when we left. Finally now, I have him swaddled in a bouncey seat, he is doing well with it. We are enjoying him so much. Any tips would be great! Thanks.
Re: First night home from the NICU, went OK
You can still put him on an incline. Robbie STILL sleeps on an incline.
Hang in there. the first few weeks are really an adjustment for both of you, but you'll get the hang of it. (((HUG)))
My Blog
I'm glad it went well - it was an adjustment at first, but soon DS was doing much better sleeping & eating.
My biggest tip is to get out on a walk. It's a great way to keep your sanity without exposing your baby to germs :-)
Congrats on one of your twins coming home! It was exciting and scary at the same time when we brought Benjamin home.
My only advice is to ask for help if you need it, don't worry if the house doesn't look great, and do what you need to do to take care of your LO's. That just means that sometimes we had to try things 3-4 different ways to get what worked for us and him. He slept in his bouncy seat for 2 months, so if it works, it works.
Congrats momma, and hope baby #2 isn't far behind.