How far along were you when you started to really swell? One foot started swelling 3wks ago, so the Dr. said to try and wear a belly belt, because the swelling was located only in one foot. That has worked, but last night I noticed both feet are starting to swell. I typically drink a little over 2 liters of water a day, so I don't think it's my water consumption.
Re: Swelling Question
the swelling started to kick in for me around 30 weeks...I was able to keep it mostly at bay for about 2 weeks keeping my feet up at work and once I got 32 weeks it was getting worse and by 35 weeks it was very painful...good luck and keep your feet up as much as possible - it does help a bit!
and as a side note my friend who was pregnant with a sigletone started to swell around 20-25 I think everyone is different...
I had swelling around week 20 and it was horrible my feet looked like Fred Flinstone feet I lived in old navy flip flops. For me it didn't matter how much water I drank, or the amount of salt I consumed or didn't consume, or how often I elevated my feet they were always swollen and they hurt.
Hope yours goes away soon.
Ditto this! Both of my feet have been quite swollen since about 16 weeks or so. I drink water like crazy and try to put my feet up whenever I can, but nothing really seems to help. Someone recommended compression stockings. I'm going to ask my doctor about it.