I am going to Vegas next weekend without kids. I will be bringing my pump but I am flying. HTH do I bring the milk back home with me? Do I put a cooler in my carryon? Do I make my friends who are driving take it home with them?
I am going to be pumping and dumping some but I'm sure there will be some that I pumped where I was not drunk!
Re: BFers, help! So I just realized I have no idea how I'm going to do this
Can you just dump it all? I mean just for logistical purposes? If you ask your friends to transport it home can I please be there to see how they react??
If supply is not an issue (like he'll have enough to last you being away, then I'd totally dump that sh!t. The hassle to bring it back wouldn't be worth it to me.
they might give you trouble if you don't have a baby on you while you're flying with the milk...idk...
I HAVE seen people check coolers...(duct taped igloo coolers) but I don't know what they contained...
good luck! and have fun!!
thanks ladies!
Lucy, I think he'll go through my entire stash while I'm gone so I'd rather not throw it all away
And I will definitely tell you their reaction if I asked them to do that. I told the bride that I had to bring my pump and she's like "well, just as long as you keep that milk away separate so it does not get drunk in a drunken haze"
Mudslides anyone?
Honestly, when I went on a 5 day trip without DD when I was bfing her, I pumped the entire time and just dumped it all. It pained me to do it, but it was easiest...and I had no worries about how to get it home, keeping it cold, etc.
Mmmm, mudslides
EW. lol....question...how are you going to keep it frozen during at the hotel?
No crazy, just funny
If they don't have kids that is...my friends without kids would get skeeved by that and it would be hilarious!
I don't think all hotels have a mini fridge....hmmmm??? And there are others that have it, but it's locked until you buy something...or something like that?
My one friend is CUH razy about bfing (you've met her)...she went to Texas for work once and shipped her special stuff home each night via fed ex overnight on dry ice. So um...you could ship it?
Dang, I guess I should have just drove. I'm totally going to have to ask my friends to take it!
ive heard of some friends who fed-ex it home when they are out of town.
I think i would just use a cooler and put it in your carry-on. I think my Medela PIS came with a little cooler that fits inside the pump.
I don't think I could bring myself to dump it either
Personally, I'd buy a small, hard-sided styrofoam container and plan to have your friend bring it back for you, on dry ice
If you're gone for only a few days, I'd transport it refrigerated, so you can then safely freeze it for the first time when you get home.
I'd say check it, but I'm guessing the airline will charge you for it as a piece of checked baggage! At that rate, it might cost almost as much as shipping it overnight.
Have fun on your trip!
Christmas 2011
I've flown with BM several times, once with >100 oz. - I was NOT throwing that away! I kept it refrigerated at the hotel - it can be kept refrigerated a week before you need to use/freeze it. Then I put the bags in an insulated diaper bag with regular ice packs (I'm sure you could buy a soft-sided cooler that you can carry on). I didn't want to freeze it and worry about it thawing while traveling.
Also, the 3 oz. liquid rule does not apply to BM and formula. Just tell security what it is before you put it through the scanner. Trust me, once you say it's breastmilk, they just rush you through! Also, one time when we were flying, DD and I ended up going through security separate from DH. DH was the one carrying the bag of BM, by himself, no baby. If that got through, you should be fine! You might want to look up the BM rules on the TSA website and print them out in case you get a newbie agent.
From the TSA website (tsa.gov):
Declare larger liquids. Medications, baby formula and food, and breast milk are allowed in reasonable quantities exceeding three ounces and are not required to be in the zip-top bag. Declare these items for inspection at the checkpoint.
I travel a lot for work and had no problem getting through security with breast milk - DD was not with me. It's been a couple of years but it doesn't seem the rules have changed. You should be fine. Have fun!