
baby #2 (pics inside)  seriously.  when she's eating (lately that's once an hour - she's the laziest eater ever) she's an angel.  but there are days she cries non-stop.  today is one of those days.   UGH!!  oh and she doesn't cry in baths, so do I bathe her all day every day?

and to top it off she won't go to anyone other than me.


SO different from Alyssa who never cried and was the best baby EVER!

Alyssa (11/06) Emily (8/9) Julia (2/11)

Re: baby #2 (pics inside)

  • how old is she?

    is she fussy in a swing, bouncer, being worn?

  • can you feed her IN the bath?

    Sorry to hear she's crying a lot. Congrats though! Are we ever going to see a pic?

    Is she BF or FF?

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  • Could be colic, no?? And yes, let's see a pic!!
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • she'll be three weeks tomorrow (she was a month early, not sure if that makes a difference).  she will tollerate the swing and the bouncer and being worn for a little while but she hates to actually swing or bounce.  she's too small to be vertical-ish for any length of time really. 
    Alyssa (11/06) Emily (8/9) Julia (2/11)
  • image

    Alyssa (11/06) Emily (8/9) Julia (2/11)
  • image

    sorry my pics are huge. 

    Alyssa (11/06) Emily (8/9) Julia (2/11)
  • OMG what a beautiful little newborn!

    Who put stickers all over her face? LOL

  • the bedazzled pic is my favorite.  it must be so annoying to have an older sister at times.
    Alyssa (11/06) Emily (8/9) Julia (2/11)
  • LMAO I figured that was her doing. That makes it extra cute!

    B puts her hair accessories on our new kitty, I can't imagine what she'd do to a little sister/brother

  • sounds like A (#2) was EXACTLY the same way.....cried all the time...we had to take shifts sleeping and hold her constantly.  I cut dairy out of my diet, that helped...

    then we tried special formula because I was getting angry about nursing her...that helped a little.

    but it was a big shocker after having the easiest newborn with #1....

    anyways, just know that it DOES get better and look at that adorable can't get TOO upset about it!  :)

  • The ONLY things that got me to survive the beginning with #2:

    -my Moby-style wrap (I wore him all.the.time.)

    -cutting dairy/soy (and later, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts and oats) out of my diet

    Hang in there.  It does get easier.


  • Mine is the SAME way. I am hoping and praying that it will get better!!! 

    Congrats! She is beautiful!

      ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  
  • Aw, Katherine, she's beautiful!!!  I'm sorry things are so tough and hope they improve soon. Those early weeks suck until you can figure out what exactly could be bothering them, or until they just decide to "grow out of it".
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • She is beautiful! 
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