
Does your DC get sick ALL THE TIME?

I swear, my DS gets sick like once a month! I am so sick of him getting sick!  He started preschool Tuesday and today....woke up coughing. I feel like I am ALWAYS having to keep him away from the baby. Poor little guy!

Anyone else? I don't know what to do other than wash his hands oftenn, daily vitamins, etc.

  ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  

Re: Does your DC get sick ALL THE TIME?

  • no -- but I am worried that it will be like that once preschool starts.

    the only thing I can suggest is the second we walk in the door from anywhere: grocery store, school, etc. we ALL wash our hands. DH washes his hands the second he gets home from work.

  • Is this his first year in school?

    Brooke's first year was awful and she was a baby. She was sick usually for two weeks and then got something within two weeks again, so, she was sick all the time.

    Second and thirs year were so much better was she built up some immunity.

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  • Nope, and he's in daycare 3 days per week.  Some kids just have weak immune systems...
    Noah (12~28~06) and Eli (8~5~10)


  • imagexbrooklyngrl:

    Is this his first year in school?

    Brooke's first year was awful and she was a baby. She was sick usually for two weeks and then got something within two weeks again, so, she was sick all the time.

    Second and thirs year were so much better was she built up some immunity.

    Ditto this!  When DD started Daycare and I went back to work, she was sick constantly and so was I.  It was miserable.  Has gotten much better though! (Fingers crossed for this winter ;)

  • Our 4 kids were COMPLETLEY healthy all summer long.  Not one illness from May until the end of August, at which point school started.  3 out of our 4 kids are in school now.  By the second week of school, all but our oldst chield had a cold (and still do).  I HATE this time of year.  So, until school is out next summer, we will have probably at least one or two sick children per month.  Right now and Feb-April are the worst for us, typically.

    I think immune system has a little to do with it, but moreso exposure to other kids. 

  • She did until she was about 2.  Now it is rare.
  • imagexbrooklyngrl:

    Is this his first year in school?

    Brooke's first year was awful and she was a baby. She was sick usually for two weeks and then got something within two weeks again, so, she was sick all the time.

    Second and thirs year were so much better was she built up some immunity.

    Yes, this will be his 1st year in school so I am worried it will get even worse...uggh.

    I hope his immune system gets better. I pretty much kept him (and the rest of us) in a bubble for his first year because my mom was going through aggressive chemo treatments and couldn't afford to catch anything. After that I think I continued to be way more of a germ-a-phobe than I needed to be and it is coming back to bite me in the a$$. Embarrassed

      ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  
  • trust me, whether you started at 3 mos (like me) or at his age, it usually happens regardless and its hellish for a while but the following winters, he'll be pretty much untouchable.

    Hang in there!

  • My DS did up until about 3 y/o.  My 2 y/o gets sick more than he does now, but even that is slowing down.  I think it just takes awhile for them to build up the immunities.  Even now, though, if something is going around school, they'll eventually get it.
  • No, my DD#1 is almost 5 & is virtually never sick.  She's had 1 Ear infection in her life & hardly anything else.  Even when she started school she didn't get sick.

    DD#2 had a runny nose the first year of her life but I found out later she has multiple allergies (environmental & food) so that was probably why.

    DD#3 is 3mo old & never sick yet.

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