Being pg and working is already kicking my A**!!
I work just 2 days a week. I am a toddler teacher, so on my feet and going all day. Then on my off days, I take my ds to OT. All that and the fact that neither one of my kids nap anymore...I am exhausted! The house is getting to be a mess because when I have down time, I am too tired to clean. I am only 5 weeks along! From what I remember the beginning of the pg is the most exhausting time.
If you work and had other kids while pg, how did you get rest in? How did you manage being so tired when you couldn't get rest in? I managed with my other pgs okay, but the combination of everything is getting to be a lot.
Re: Working, other dc and did you deal?!
My energy is finally kicking back in, but for the first few weeks, I was exhausted. I went to bed really early and would pass out on the couch (with DD playing near me). She also does a 1 hour "quiet time" that I would rest/sleep during.
I almost think it was easier to be pregnant working a full-time desk job than it is now (I work several part-time jobs that have me runnning around and on a different schedule every day--and neither are desk jobs).
My husband took care of nearly everything at home including our DD. I took naps when I had the chance and let him get up with DD at night. It's tough but it eases you into the total exhaustion that having a new baby plus another kid at home. Good luck and try to enjoy it!