Parenting kid wants to be a manta ray for halloween...

Mr. Ray is her favorite character from finding nemo...



does Tom Arma make a manta ray?

geeze kid...why not a damn princess or cat or something?

Re: kid wants to be a manta ray for halloween...

  • Everytime Nora watches Nemo, I have, "Oooooh, let's name the zones, the zones, the zones.  Let's name the zones of the sea!" stuck in my head.  :)
  • Ha!  We have a stuffed Mr Ray I can send you.  You can make a nice big hat out of it.  Then stick all the other fish to her clothes (I have them all) and have her walk around asking where her class has gone to.
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  • Gray leggings and long sleeve shirt and then a capey sort of thing with a tail????
  •  I just googled- it might be easier than I thought--also, someone added sunglasses and went as manta ray charles- brilliant!

    I keep thinking she'll change her mind- and she did for a minute (WO-bot) but then went right back...


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