Dr. Eva Jones on Nottingham Way. I used to live in Hamilton, NJ and she delivered my first and is also the OB/GYN for a few of my friends. She is amazing and her staff is great!
i had a vaginal delivery but my son was breached. He had flipped back around at the last minute. they prepped me for a c-section but his lil butt was alredy on its way out.
I delivered my DD in with Lawrence OB/GYN at Mercer, I saw the midwives who were great. I had to have a C-section due failure to progress, so I met the doc on call. This time I am seeing the doctors and so far so good.
Re: Ob/Gyn @ Mercer Hospital Trenton NJ
Dr. Eva Jones on Nottingham Way. I used to live in Hamilton, NJ and she delivered my first and is also the OB/GYN for a few of my friends. She is amazing and her staff is great!