I saw your responses that you also have 10 monthers. I always dread asking this question, but how do they sleep? My girls are still like newborns at nite and wake each other all nite. I tried unsuccessfully to let one of them cry it out. My husband and I may separate their rooms this weekend, although I think they'll still hear each other thru the walls. There are days when I'm really starting to lose it over this sleep thing. How do yours do at nite? Have u done any sleep training? Thanks!
Re: Empwr and HeatherD
I'm butting in because we had this exact same problem with our two. We did end up separating them and it made life MUCH better. They share a wall and so far we haven't had many problems with them hearing each other through the walls. We also got two small fans to use as white noise in their rooms. This was cheaper than buying actual white noise machines. We also have their cribs on the walls farthest from each other.
We didn't use a sleep training method, just good old fashioned CIO. It can get pretty rough sometimes but it does work. Good luck!
Oh, if you have a pnp, try a trial run of different rooms before you go through the hassle of moving cribs. We gave the trial run a few weeks and when individual rooms proved to be what worked, then we moved the real furniture.
Thanks girls. They dont eat overnight. I think they're in a lot of teething pain but that's every night. And I also think I've created the bad habit of running in the room the second they cry so not to wake the other (Ferber has long gone out the window). I havent picked up the twin version of Happy Baby. I should do that!
We had to separate our girls. Oh, did we have sleep problems. We spent the first 4 months having the girls in the bed with us. Around 4-5 months, we tried to put them in cribs, but they woke one another up. I was literally a mess. I just read back on my blog during that time and I don't even sound like myself.
Anyway, around 5 months, we just separated them into different rooms. We just went cold turkey and they did pretty well. they would still get up once a night to eat until 7-8months. Since then, they now almost always sleep through the night.
We have a routine for them. Bottle in their darkened bedroom with white noise on, then into the crib. They go down groggy, but awake. They now fall asleep on their own, no tears. At first they did cry. We had a 10 minute time limit and very rarely have they cried past that. I think we were just lucky with that. If they keep crying, we go in and pat them. Sometimes we will give them more bottle if we think they are really hungry.
In terms of books, we read Happiest Baby on the Block and Healthy Sleep Habits (the twin one wasn't out at the time, so I don't know anything about that one).
For white noise, I used a track I bought off of itunes for $1 of ocean waves. It is 10 minutes long. We have it on our iPod in one babies room on repeat and on a CD on repeat in the other room.
And I was liberal with the Tylenol during teething times. If the girls seemed in pain (red cheeks, drooling, biting on everything in site), I gave them tylenol before bed.
Hope that helps some! Good luck!