
Anyone taking medication for contractions?

Hi ladies.

I am 33 weeks along and since i have been experiencing increased contractions lately the doctor put me on meds. Does anyone else take them and what kind are you taking?I am taking something by the name of Medolin 4mg and now i am taking 4 a day. 1 every 6 hours.I am just curious what meds everyone else is taking. Thanks!


Re: Anyone taking medication for contractions?

  • With our triplets I was put on Procardia, I hope I spelled it right. I also took it ever 4-6 hours. I hated the way it made me feel, but it really worked. I think I took it for around 3 weeks before they were born.
  • While in the hospital I was on Mag, Terb and Brethine. At home I was on Procardia. I've never heard of the med you are on!
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  • I was on Terbutaline with the T-Pump at home from 29 weeks until my delivery at 34 weeks and 5 days..
  • Thank you for all your replies. I found out that Medolin is the same as Terbutaline. Used for brochities but also helps with contractions.

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