

Thanks for responding. Specifically, I am wondering about how the aftercare was. Was it hard to take care of?

Was your DS potty trained? If so, do you think that helped keep it more clean? Did they give him any pain medicine?

 Thank you so much for any insight!

Re: amiamish

  • The aftercare- they had his penis wrapped in this clear wrap that kept the skin pulled back off the stitches. (the stitches dissolved on their own) He wasn't allowed to sit in a bath for a few days-but a shower was ok (he loves showers). He was not potty trained, diapering was easy-ish. He was scared, so we just had to be really gentle. I can't remember if we had to put cream on it or not... I'm thinking we squirted something like neosporin on it for those few days, but not 100% sure. We kept him out of daycare for a week, but he would have been fine to go back after a couple days. He had the surgery on Friday, bandage off on Sunday and was told he could do "whatever" after the bandage was off. He was up running around that afternoon after surgery-didn't slow him down one bit! They did prescribe him pain meds, but we just kept him on round the clock ibpr. and tyln. it worked great. :)

    It was pretty easy to handle-way easier than I thought it was going to be. I was having a panic attack about it the day before his surgery. (seriously-a melt down.) But, it all worked out great!

    Anything else? Oh, and HeatherRyan is great to talk to too--she's who talked me though it all-- she's super nice! :)

  • Thanks! Even this put my mind at ease a bit. I hate going into something blind. This really helps.
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  • It is REALLY scary to go through, but I'm SO glad we did it. Feel free to ask if any other questions come up. :)
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