Because if you play it backwards it talks about the evil healthcare plan
LOL at this! And b/c trying anything to fix our healthcare system is SOOO outrageous an idea as well. Let's just blame the people who actually make the drugs... what - you mean they aren't made for free?? ::gasp!!::
I think it's the wash your hands part that most parents have issue with. I mean, have you seen how many people walk out of public restrooms and don't wash their hands!? Gross! Obviously parents aren't teaching this lesson to their children and don't want the President to either.
I don't have an issue with the speech at all, but did see the original curriculum guide before it was re-worked and re-written. Poor language and very pro-Obama, "having kids take up the cause" language that many objected to.
Nice to see the "revised" speech. I still don't think it was necessary to show to elementary students. I doubt my Kindergartner would have understood 3/4 of it...or cared for that matter.
Re: ok, now that I've read the actual text of Obama's speech
Do you have a link?
AFWIW, I think there will always be people who object to the messanger, no matter what the message is.
Because if you play it backwards it talks about the evil healthcare plan
(hope that link works)
Kevs, that made me LOL
He he! I don't think the issue is with the speech itself but the discussion questions that were supposed to be after it..."How can I help Obama?"
LOL at this!
And b/c trying anything to fix our healthcare system is SOOO outrageous an idea as well. Let's just blame the people who actually make the drugs... what - you mean they aren't made for free?? ::gasp!!::
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13